We welcome everyone who would like to share the love of god and be a part of our family!

Our Ministry

We assist with worship services. Volunteers of any age are welcome. Please join us!

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Choir
    - Sings at the 10:00 AM service with in person rehearsal at 9am on Sunday. Masks are required at this time. (All are welcome)

  • Altar Guild
    - Prepares and then clears the altar for each service

  • Youth Acolytes
    - Assist during the service

  • Lectors/Readers (Brief training is required)
    - There are two readers for the 10am service. One reader for 8am service does both readings.

    - One reads the Old Testament lesson and leads Prayers of the People.

    - The other reads the New Testament lesson and the Psalm.

  • Chalice Bearers (Currently not in use)
    - Assist the priest at the altar, read New Testament lesson, and lead the Psalms (in-depth training required

  • Greeter/Ushers

    -Greet parishioners and newcomers as they enter the church
    - Hand out bulletins, pass the offering plates, count service attendees, and prompt people for Holy Communion

  • Oblations (lectors are currently serving this function)
    - Present the bread and wine to the altar before Holy Communion

  • Lay Eucharistic Visitor (LEV)
    - Takes Holy Communion to the sick and shut-ins (in-depth training required).